The Best Places To Find Free New Car Reviews And Pricing
Checking out the new car reviews is indeed fascinating, fun as well as informative. You may not need a car or want a car. It is fun just to fantasize about the new cars and trucks and imagining yourself sitting in it, smelling the new leather. You might have noticed the Chevy ads on TV, wherein a site is mentioned as endorsement of Chevies (as if they NEED any endorsement!). is a premier site for a number of purposes. At this site, you can check the ratings as customers (not manufacturers or sales people) find the car to be on gas mileage, epa emissions, speed, pick up, comfort, and other valued characteristics.
New car ratings, comparison charts (and photos), and some of the most entertaining and informative articles are there. One article is a series of writings on the man who went to work as an "undercover" used car and new car salesman. He reveals the gimmicks, the scams, the pressures and the buffoonery that contribute to the new and used car milieus. Other helpful new car reviews are, such as those done by the reporters at CNN/Money (money.cnn.
com) who reveal the stats and remarks for the "best new minivan" (Honda Odyssey); "best new car" (Chrysler 300); and "best new sports car" (Corvette - though how could one possible choose between the many bests?); and "best pick-up" (Toyota Tacoma). CNN/Money also gives new car reviews for the Car of the Year and the Truck of the Year - the Chrysler 300 and the Land Rover LR3, respectively. Each of the new car reviews here gets a full-length article devoted to it, one which includes the specs, the stats, and the photos we need to get our excitement roiling - if we need motivation, that is. features many pictures on their site for pricing a car (according to your zip code), and also includes a "research" section, where you can do a car history report search, get financing calculations, have car discussions, or browse the photo albums. And like the Car and Driver Magazine (on and offline), which has all this and more, the site offers used and new car reviews as written by professionals, enthusiasts, and aficionados. It's nice to be able to rely on 4 trustworthy sources for history, horse power, and hooplas -whether you will actually buy that car or just collect information and photos you can drool over.
For most of us, it is not the act of buying, in this case it requires a lot of money - an difficult decision at many times, but the act of dreaming of driving that newest and hottest car that keeps us most satisfied.
Joshua Poyoh is the creator of where you can find out more independent information on Cars and automotives
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